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    Insta Wallet system - Insta novcanik sistem


    Broj poruka : 30
    Poeni : 38
    Datum upisa : 20.04.2011

    Insta Wallet system - Insta novcanik sistem Empty Insta Wallet system - Insta novcanik sistem

    Počalji od Jugosl@v Pet Maj 13, 2011 10:39 am

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    Every trading account in InstaForex is automatically considered a participant of the funds transfer system - InstaWallet - after accept of InstaWallet Offer Agreement in the Client Cabinet.

    InstaWallet system allows InstaForex clients to make money transfers to the accounts of other customers of the company, which broadens the functionality of the InstaForex account considerably.

    Thus, InstaWallet is an additional though optional possibility of every InstaForex account, available for each trader in the Client Cabinet.

    The internal transfers between trading accounts avail InstaWallet clients of a possibility to send funds to friends within just one second! Right now every customer of InstaForex is free to deposit money to any other InstaForex account holder with the service of InstaWallet activated.

    The process of InstaWallet activation is very easy and comprises only two steps: - Accept InstaWallet Offer Agreement - Enter the Nickname in the system. All personal data of the client are fully confidential in InstaWallet, even for the receivers and for the senders of funds.

    The system of funds transfers between the accounts is absolutely commission-free. Developed as a means of encouragement for the loyal InstaForex clients, InstaWallet system is a unique facility of a contemporary forex trader.
    InstaWallet system can also be used for settling payments between the sellers and buyers of services: forex signals and trading expert advisors. The company acts as a processing intermediary of internal transfers and guarantees security of transactions.

    InstaWallet system is:

    instant transfers to friends
    no commission fees
    easy signup for the system in the Client Cabinet of InstaForex
    top-notch security rate of the operations conducted
    handy interface in the Client Cabinet
    SSL protection of high security level
    anonymous process of sending or receiving money
    direct interaction with the trading accounts in InstaForex
    helpful Support Service of InstaForex

    Add InstaWallet service in your Client Cabinet and start sending funds to friends and relatives right away!

    Ja cu prevesti samo sustinu za one koji ne znaju bas engleski.

    Insta Novcanik je novi sistem koji je po meni sjajan on se vezuje za vas racun i ako je primera radi vas racun 1234567 vas Insta Novcanik ce biti i1234567, koje su pogodnosti Insta novcanika pa ja mislim brojne prvo nema nikakvih troskova unutar Insta sistema lako mozete prebacivati sredstva sa racuna na novcanik sa novcanika na racun, jos jedna jako dobra stavka jeste da mozete prebacivati novac medjusobno, elem primer ja imam neke drugove na insti sa kojima trejdujem i sad recimo jedan drug mi kaze ajde mi prebaci neku sumu na moj racun a ja cu tebi dati kes pare iz bilo kog razloga.

    Znaci jos jedna stvar dobra kod novcanika sto je meni pala na um je sledeca da vam to bude kao stedni racun, naime recimo imate nebitno 500$ na accauntu ocete da sklonite ali ne i da podignete 100- 200 $ nebitna suma vi prebacite sa racuna na novcanik bez ikakvih troskova i ne morate odma podizati nego cuvate vas zaradjeni novcanik tu.

    Mislim da je to jedna dobra novost sa Inste pa sam podelio sa vama, jos jedna novost za one koji ne znaju od sada mozete ispaltiti na moneybookers sa vaseg racuna i manje iznose cak od 1$, mislim da je to super da mozete podici manje sume jer je ranije bilo 300$ minimum.

    Toliko od mene Smile

      Sada je Pet Maj 10, 2024 4:40 am